Elgar The Dream of Gerontius 1900

Elgar The Dream of Gerontius 1900

Worldwide release 26 April 2024

Nicky Spence (Gerontius)
Anna Stéphany (The Angel)
Andrew Foster-Williams (The Priest/Angel of the Agony)

Polish National Youth Choir
Gabrieli Roar
Gabrieli Consort

Gabrieli Players

Paul McCreesh (conductor)

Following award-winning recordings of Purcell’s King Arthur, Berlioz’s Grande Messe des morts, Britten’s War Requiem and Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Gabrieli has recorded Elgar’s much-loved oratorio, The Dream of Gerontius – using original instruments from around the time of the 1900 premiere. Led by Nicky Spence in the title role, the recording has already been warmly received by the critics; Paul McCreesh’s innate understanding of this complex work has again underlined why Gabrieli’s recordings are frequently regarded as benchmarks.

Gramophone Editor’s Choice: May 2024 | The best new classical recordings of 2024

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“McCreesh brings an impressive control of contrasting tempos to the polyphonic, multicolour orchestration that forms such an intrinsic part of the work. […] This CD is brim-full of edifying delights and surprises worthy of repeated listening. Most of all, its expressive choral and orchestral merits, to quote the words of Newman’s angel, are such that it ‘will gladden thee, but it will pierce thee too’.”GRAMOPHONE

“★★★★ This is not just another recording of Elgar’s The Dream of Gerontius […] conductor Paul McCreesh has again delivered a splendid recording of special interest.”THE FINANCIAL TIMES

“Paul McCreesh conducts the work very well indeed. Nicky Spence is outstanding as Gerontius and gives one of the finest performances of Gerontius on disc.”MUSIC WEB INTERNATIONAL

“Without wishing to denigrate the capabilities of modern instruments, the strings in McCreesh's orchestra offer a delicacy of tone that is spellbinding.”PRESTO MUSIC

“★★★★★ Inspired by McCreesh and his professional support team, the choral singing is outstanding – fresh voiced, with clear diction and 100 per cent-plus commitment. What a life-changing experience this must have been for these young people. ”GRAMOPHONE, CHOIR & ORGAN

Signum Classics


April 2024